E-commerce – All you wanted to know but were afraid to ask.

Jul 7, 2024 | Articles | 0 comments


Presentation Overview

Have you ever wondered what ecommerce is?  How does it work?   Can it be used for your business?   If so, what would it take to make it work for you?

In this seminar, Paul Lepa, CEO of RedStores.com, will:

  1. First, show us what ecommerce is about and what is involved in having an ecommerce presence.
  2. Show a framework of setting up an ecommerce presence and make it possible for you to begin planning on enters the e-space.
  3. Show strategies of using ecommerce for any size business – from small to big
  4. Provide an easy to understand guide of ‘real world’ business and how it translates into the e-business.
  5. Share how $2,000 startup money turned into $3MM business in less than 3 years.

This seminar is designed for anyone that has contemplated about ecommerce, wanted to know how ecommerce can be applied to their business and to provide a deeper understanding of what actions could be required to move a business on-line.

The seminar will cover:

  1. Web Marketing
  2. Customer Care online
  3. Analytics – or – how to see what you cannot see
  4. Logistics – how to get things to your customers
  5. Sourcing – getting your products
  6. Money – how to accept it
  7. IT infrastructure – what internal systems are needed
  8. Web Infrastructure – creating a web site

This seminar is informational in nature and does not require an y technical, marketing or other specific knowledge – it’s a great way to get to know what ecommerce is about – and to fire up your mind about what it could do for you.

Presentation Map


Bio – Paul Lepa

A marketer at heart, Paul has managed to overcome the challenges of linear thinkingimage from his Electrical Engineering background, to blend technology, sales and marketing into one.    With focus on ‘getting things done’, Paul has held a varied number of positions,  all bound by the common thread of selling and marketing.    Paul is current the CEO of RedStores.com – a niche ecommerce business that currently operates Pearls Only and Silver Devotion sites.

With now nearly 100,000 customers in the US, UK and over $10MM in sales to date –organically grown with an initial investment of $2000 – Paul has proven that there is no limits to what one can do.

Prior to PearlsOnly, Paul held number of varied positions, notably, as a Senior Account Executive at Telvant, in Calgary, Canada.  Focusing on long term, long lead sales, over the period of 4 years; Paul was directly responsible for the strategy, pursuit, proposal and negotiation of over 15 large scale pipeline automation projects – with the combined value of over $40MM USD.   Assembling multi discipline teams from within Telvant ranging from R&D staff, to C level executives, Paul would relentlessly  battles against competitors – constantly crisscrossing the US – often waking up and not remembering what city he was in on a given day.

While at Telvant, Paul was recruited by ABB and relocated to Manheim, Germany – to take up the post of Director, Global Pipeline Solution Unit.   At ABB Paul was responsible for looking after the marketing and sales of ABB’s Pipelines solutions globally, directing a team of professionals across the globe, include a Chinese section.   Relocating to Europe was an amazing experience, and exploring Europe from within Europe was a highlight – especially the ability to cruise on the Autobahn at 250km without the threat of a ticket.

However, professionally, shortly after arriving in Germany, Paul has come to realize that the climbing the corporate ladder, in Germany, although financially rewarding, wasn’t very good for the soul.     When an opportunity presented itself to relocate to ABB in China – Paul took the leap.  However despite the move, the strong desire to hold ones destiny in one’s hand persisted, and when the opportunity presented itself, Paul resigned his position with ABB to fully commit to PearlsOnly.

Paul holds a B.SC in Engineering with Computer Minor, and has completed a number of post-graduate courses in digital filter theory.   In his spare time, Paul’s like to play with the latest and greatest electronic gadgets, likes to read marketing, psychology and business books – and enjoys reading science fiction novels.  Paul has a beautiful 8 year old daughter who usually beats him at Monopoly.


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