Pocket Rockets

May 12, 2010 | Growing Business | 1 comment

My body is working on a time zones where people get up at 4am. So, 4am start. A bit rough, especially after the 4 or 5 carafes of Red the night Before with J…. Realistically just can’t handle beverage like before. So, was a very sluggish morning.

Afternoon, when Beijing opened, I moved, fast, on many of the initiatives that came out of meeting with J… I communicated out what my meeting was about to everyone, impact on business , etc. I didn’t want people that they where going loose jobs, etc. Although I may take out a couple positions months from now.

Quick touch base with Mina. She had pushing on our inventory system (that I was so ticked off about before). She reported great progress, and basically a whole revamp of inventory mgmt infrastructure. Perfect news. We discussed Genie and moving forwards – since my email to the team about ‘genie is a go’. We have moved like a rocked in it’s 3rd phase. Crazy fast! I like it

At 7:30pm, was a highlight of my trip. I hooked up with MMO my old old buddy from engineering. It was so amazing to see him. Really good. We haven’t seen each other for at least 10 years, but in 5 minutes, it felt like we hang out together all the time. Power of friendship – true friendship – cross distance and time. Tres cool. Had a great dinner at a local Mediterranean restaurant and caught up on life. We are both very much outliers out the group of the pocket rockets – both M… and I live unconventional lives. MMO is a musician and artist, following his passion. Me, well, a guy that divorced his possession in the 30es,stepped off the ladder and of the forecasted path. We bung out till about 11:30pm. I invited M…. to Beijing. I think Beijing would be amazing for him. Together we Went for a quick walk on Venice beach ( I have never been) and both agreed that LA is pretty hip!

On the way home, with a 4 glass wine eyeglasses, I felt pumped, BUT I remember going over the trip in my mind and doing the probability that all of it worked. Statistically speaking there was 25% that both my key meetings would be successfully. So, I had thought that this is a very high probability – and that I should not fly so high just yet!

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Anza Blvd,Burlingame,United States

1 Comment

  1. Rich V

    haha – Pocket Rockets! I remember those days well. I didn’t know MMO was living in LA. Uncle Brent got married and is a dad now. I see Dick now and then, but mostly it is our wives that talk all the time. I’m still a wage slave and hating it. I’ve promised myself one day I’ll break out. I still have your Prez Zoo mug. I found it in the cupboard at valmet. We should talk.

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