Productive Day

Mar 8, 2010 | Growing Business | 0 comments

The day today, and managed to get a lot of things accomplished.  My rough outline for the e-commerce presentation is done, and then send it out now to the designer polish it up for me.  Spend a good part of the day on getting all those details, and now the basic focus has to be on just the visual aspect of the presentation.

With out of the way, I am going to be focusing on the German opportunity, and preparing the various topics of discussion, and information that will be required.  Tomorrow is EO, so I have a little bit of work to do, because we are doing the lifeline, which should be an interesting exercise.

I went ahead and started to build my advisory Board today, and I think this is going to be a great start.  I moved on the corporate restructuring, and additional instructions to the various entities, to begin the process of opening, closing, renaming, etc.

I had a late day overall, finished around 8:50 PM, and now after this blog, planning to take a few hours for myself, watching episode of something good, and then read it.  Opened it chance to get the refresh perspective tomorrow, and to have regenerated somewhat.

I think tonight, that is all.  I have make some blog posts during the day of the various things that I have done as the day went on.

More good progress tomorrow!


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