Got back from a few days in Thailand. Was a much needed break. Just a few days enough to re-energize.
This week is Dragon Festival in China – so pretty much not the full compliment of staff is working. Nevertheless made some good progress.
While away we hired an IT support replacement which is great – love it when we are able to onboard as an organization without exec oversight.
Had a very good strategic meeting with G… – we discussed SilverDevotion, BlingOnly and the Muse sites. G…. is leveraging my SOPs and Processes, refining them to make them his own – but overall – leveraging the investment – and then DRIVING things forward FAST. The pace is awesome – great momentum.
Had surprising and unexpected news on Monday (while in Airport in Bangkok) – took me a day to get use to it and ‘process’ it – can’t talk about it now since I want to share it with my Senior Exec team first (and they are on holidays). But, overall – personal feelings aside, I would say positive outcome, albeit disappointing on the personal side.
Beyond that, had a very nice email from T.., my advisory board member, with some great advise and guidance. Couldn’t have come at a more perfect time, and helped me mentally offset some of the negative feelings with the comment above.
Genie is also moving forward – but in a very slow fashion. T… pointed out, and confirmed, that speed of a project can make or break a project – so if a project is moving at a slower pace – it can kill the company if its not priced or structured correctly. Bottom line, I should be hearing something more from Germany next week. Given my understanding of things could run, will need to seriously look and think through how to work with this project. I have a few ideas already – but will wait for Germany to lead.
Reading a book, a GREAT book “The power of full engagement” – and really love it – has helped me a lot already in crystallizing executive top performance. Why don’t they teach us this in school?!
So, with G… help, and C… input in the short future – we will be able to move forward VERY fast.