Sep 13, 2011 | Growing Business | 0 comments

Rather strange day yesterday.  I have been completely focused (and I really mean focused) on all of the accounting procedures.   Went to bed at midnight and right before I went to sleep, I have been racking my brain on how to put all these system together.  

4AM.   I woke up, crystal clear and I had the answer to what I was looking for.   So, like a mad man, went to my home office, and started drawing out and mapping out the processed and systems I needed to put in place.    At 9AM I was done, and all was clear and setup.  

So, what is the conclusion here – I guess it has been some time since I have 110% intensely focused on any particular issue.  This, has a been a rather complex system I had to figure out.   I was researching accounting procedures, control procedures.   I looked for books in Amazon (couldn’t find any) and in the end – found a really good way to see how others have solved some of the issues I needed to solve.  Google image. Yep, punch in AFE or PO process – and the web results yield very little – search for images and you get a ton of forms that people have used for AFE and PO.  From there, and reading the forms you can deduct the kind of process they have in place.

And so, 4AM – if you prime your brain with information – may it be images, text, etc.   and you focus – your mind will give you the answers.


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