
Sep 1, 2010 | Growing Business | 0 comments

Back to office, back to blogging, back to a bit of free time.
So, catch up for last week.

After Thailand went to hong kong – and opened up banking for yet another company.
Hsbcnet system has been setup with global banking features – which is a great step forward.
We launched myjewelrycove sites and begun getting traction on sales – nothing earth shattering but what is key to me is that we can roll out these sites and stage them quickly.

Yesterday and today I invested time into the cove property to get a marketing message for the sited and establish a vision and mission for cove. It’d good – helped us focus on what we want the site to stand for.

We are pushing on France, Germany and japan and should be launching next month.

We are crunching on resources now – which is not a bad thing – keeps our growth within manageable limits – having said that I have 5 openings now – so it’s still considerable on boarding.


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