Busy Day

Apr 12, 2010 | Growing Business | 0 comments

Had a very busy day to day. First day in the office and spend a good portion of the morning looking over the determine fact and then got into the office around 1:00 pm. or was it 2:00 pm. and basically did a lot of administrative work. So, I looked at – I did a lot of banking, moved funds around and got things in all the right places.

And, then I spent quit a bit of time talking with Germany. In terms of some preliminary dates and so on. It looked like I was going to go to Germany this week but, we moved it to the 23rd.

So, that’s actually a little bit better for my schedule. It gives me a bit of a breather. I had a full calendar this week. With lots of dinners in the evening and so on. So, actually that works. Plus, I think it will everybody in the office a little bit of a breather there too so they can connect me. I think I had 3 new people start this week. So, they all need some direction just to get them started. So, it’s nice that I get a bit of a break.

But, I’m going to try and set it up so I’m going to go through hopefully U.S. and then Europe and then I’ll stop at Hong Kong on the way back. I don’t know if I’m going to kind of pull that off. It’s going to be too time consuming so, I may have to split it into a couple of trips but if I can it would be great.

The evening, I guess, at 7:30. I met this Mr. P. and then we – potential CFO and we split a bottle of wine and talked about penitential working together opportunities and tried to see how good a fit we are for each other. So, it will take some time, I guess, at these levels. This isn’t super easy to pick the right person. So, you gotta be pretty sure that you’re bringing on the right players. But, so far so good. But, we still need to explore a few more things. It’s not going to happen this week, I don’t think or next week. I think it will be a bit of a process.

But, I’m planning to interview a few more Jr. CFO’s and see if that could be another path forward. Instead of bringing a kind of a senior kind of BC CFO. Perhaps I just bring a Jr. guy in, just to look after the house keeping kind of finical stuff. So, I think in that thing is good.

I was up at 7:00, I think. Went for an hour walk and that was nice. Instead of meditating in the morning. Which I had a hard time doing. I actually just put some nice relaxing music on the headphones and I just went for a walk for an hour. I’m going to do the same tomorrow. Maybe that will be my meditation time, I guess. And, I guess I’ve been trying to get into that for quite a while and the other way wasn’t working. So, now maybe I have a different way. So that’s good.

It’s 1:00 am. in the morning. Its’ time to read a little bit and then hit the bed and then tomorrow somewhat of a busy day. I have a morning that’s fairly open but, then off for the EO meetings and form pretty much for the full day. So, I always look forward to that cause, I know it’s going to be great. And, then the rest of the week is actually looking okay. I’m going to be defiantly busy. I need to look for schedules for Germany. Look at some preliminary plans and firm up a lot of the commercial term and so on. But, now that I’ve got a little bit of extra time. It’s going to be good. It’s going to be much more prepared and much more solid.

So, yeah. Good day. Just busy. Lots of little things. But, I wanted to get the little things out of the way so that I can get a little bit of chunk of time during the week to concentrate on the big things and get those. So, if I can spend two day on admen stuff and if I can get three days of solid concentrated time. I think that will be a successful week for me, for this week.

That’s about all. All right.


This message was dictated by voice using the Voxie iPhone application, and transcribed into text by Quicktate.com.


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