Fighting a cold

Feb 15, 2011 | Growing Business | 0 comments

Fighting a cold today – so brain on ‘very slow’ setting.  Or maybe that is the normal setting.

Had EO Forum today and it was very good – nice to see everyone and hear how things are going.  Gathered some inspiration from just a few comments and some goings on in the group – so good energy (although my energy is low today).

I begun the process of forming new US company, and the Chinese company today – so will be moving with that over next weeks.

I have also been ‘sleeping on’ my pitch – and today outsourced by ‘sketch’ of the RedStores Ventures story to Elance.  Planning to use 3 or 4 designers to get this visually represented in different ways and see how I can communicate out the whole ‘business plan’ in just 5 slides.  You think it would be easy, but its actually not.   My sketch of ‘Restores’ pitch is below.   I’m sure I could close on that sketch alone, but with a bit of extra work now, I’m going to make my life a heck of a lot easier.   The target raise is $2MM – which will give us a very aggressive 2 year run. 

Also, I have begun the process of outsourcing the personal site for Pecce.     While in Hainan, I had offered to help Pecce with his personal site – and it has been nice to get to the ‘roots’ – site design, outsourcing, etc.  – simple, easy and fun.

Its 11:30PM – almost wrapping up for the day – but want to finish a bit of research on the number of suppliers on TaoBao and Alibaba.



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