Going Closed

Nov 10, 2011 | Growing Business | 0 comments

With so many changes last few weeks, I have been itching to blog about the decisions I made, the factors that I considered, the personalities involved, etc.

The problem is that I just can’t do that, since my staff reads this blog – and can in, in fairness, protect someone privacy by discussing issues that made my decisions based on a specific person.  The answer is NO.

So, I know many of you have asked that I keep this blog, open and password free, however, by doing that, I limit myself in how much I can share and the internal decisions I make and how I come at them.

So, the blog part of this blog will soon be going private.   Some parts of the blog I will be able to still keep open – but the ‘good stuff’  – and by that I mean my daemons I fight, the issues that keep me awake till 4AM – those things will not be public.

There will be a simple signup sheet – I will accept my close friends, family, business friends to the ‘private’ posts.  

So, many of you that in the past convinced me to keep this open – thank you for the encouragement.  If you are continuing to read my blog, you can still continue, but just sign up for an account and get approved. 

That is where you will see the content that I just cannot share with all.


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