I needed that

Aug 3, 2010 | Growing Business | 3 comments

Our Amazon Offer of the Day, blew our expectations out of the water.   At 5AM on Saturday, Amazon imagecalled and asked if we add additional stock to the offer as our pre-shipped items sold out early.   Jessica committed to additional stock – and lo and behold – production department came in heavy on Saturday (and Sunday) and created more stock.  Amazingly, I had no clue that this was going on, until hitting the office today (Tuesday) – and learning during our senior management meeting that we hit this out of the park.

In terms of logistics, you have to appreciate what had happened – US called to Beijing, connected, and within few hours, Jessica mobilized her team, the team came in with little notice, manufactured a huge amount of product and shipped it out.  All without impacting our regular operations.   All without me knowing or the need for my involvement.   The reason why its so, so good – is that we are now able to ‘do things’ with autonomy – and generate large, difference making revenue on a peer level – without a need for command and control.  An amazing sign that our organization is maturing.  So, as much as the additional revenue is appreciated, our ability to pull this off is THAT much more important to me.   Amazon Deal of the Day is a one time hit (hopefully we can repeat but…), but organizational strength is a long lasting asset.

So, I needed that.  I need to see this work.    To see proof that decentralization works.  It does.

Another very cool thing – our cove site – now at http://dev.myjewelrycove.com/

is coming along very nicely.   And, we have already listed the products on Amazon – and 100% unexpedetly we already moved a small volume via Amazon!!!   That is without any push or focus on Amazon – basically the product is selling.  So, as much as SilverDevotion.com disappointed us – the BlingOnly (now MyJewelryCove) is preliminary flashing good results.  So, again, I’m getting feedback, that some of the bets I have made (hiring more people, new sites) – are on the right track.   I need to see that – to have some validation that we are doing the right thing.   Sure, I 100% believe in it BUT when that vision begins converting to reality – that is a whole new level of confidence.

So, today, the Senior Monthly meeting was fairly charges – I’m focusing for everyone on top 3 things for the next month.  Its good for me, and good for the team.   I’m investing time into managing the Exec team, resolving issues, conflict and high level decision making and then getting the heck out of the way.  

Focusing on top 3 for each exec has given me clarity and focus.  Much, much easier to monitor results.

We have VERY ambitious plans for August.   Launch Cove sites (US, UK) – add additional 300 products, finalize relationship with US pearl partner and go live, stage 4 MUSE sites (Necklace, Pendant in US, UK), roll out PearlsOnly Germany, Japan and France by mid-September, hire 5 more people, install scalable accounting system and move it into operational accounting realm.

On my side, I’m handling common RedStores branding (very cool what we are going to do), opening new Imp/exp China.

So, we have a busy, busy August. But, as much as I was worried before about the ‘stress’ in the organization before, the success of the Amazon, and the micro-successes of Cove have truly energized the company.  I feel people are syncing up – getting to know each other – learning better how to work together.   I would not say we are 100% yet, but I expect another month – few more successes behind us, and we are going to gel very well.   Looking back – I didn’t not expect it to go this way – but I can see that having a visible success has given everyone a lot of juice.  Me included!  I needed that I think as much as everyone else.


  1. Peter Ficek


    I could help myself but to say hello. Sounds like you are doing well. Good for you. Times of the “paper-boy” have changed and you took marketing (and models) seriously – ha-ha. Anyway, I might take a silver retail business to the next level myself, shooting for an IPO and millions and millions. (Not my baby, but all babies are cute). Good book you are reading, indeed…

    You know where to find me.

  2. Paul Lepa

    So good to connect afte so many years! Cool comment! R u in silver business? From our research its huge and we are going to attack it with huge fervour! Angels book – yep – its good – but for me it seems a bit too late. Wish I read it earlier – but nevertheless good learning.
    Thanks for reaching out – tell me more about what u r doing!

  3. Peter Ficek


    Thanks for your reply. Truly, we should reconnect if only to remember and laugh about our youth!

    My business is financial planning and I specialize in shopping for and negotiating financing. Go to http://www.kijiji.ca and type in Ad ID 221711325 to get an idea of my work. I’m basically the numbers guy to prove to bankers and invetsors that the a business may be a good candidate for financing. I’ll be glad to elaborate about the silver business, but not on a public website.

    Why don’t you telephone me at (403) 383 – 3086 to chat anytime. Alternatively, private email would work to and so my main email is [email protected]. It costs me very little to telephone oversees so if you provide your number I can call you.

    My bes, too. Peter

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