Jet Lag Day

May 15, 2010 | Growing Business | 0 comments

Up at 5AM – quick money movements.  The rest of the day was pretty much Jet Lag Day – crashed – totally around 1PM – for 5 hours.   Basically, in the ultra-tired mode – so not even able to really do anything but watch TV.     Should be much better tomorrow. 

Reflected upon my decision on Genie, and feels good.  Right all.

In addition, the day before on the way back I did a couple more things.

On Sat, on the way from Korea – reviewed the patent application for my patent.   Some similar inventions have been filed, all seem around 2001 – but I think mine is different enough that it should be accepted.   Most other systems profile the customer by assuming the customer knows something about the product – my BetterThanHuman technology – profiles the customer on a psychological level (much like a shrink would) – and then uses fuzzy logic, expert system and  rule based sets to arrived at the most likely product.    Few guys have done it using Fuzzy Logic and Expert Systems, but non as far as I can see ‘profile’ the customer to learn about them vs their need for a product.  Kind of cool!

Also, did a couple of mind-maps on framing out the two ideas to roll out on the site (that I came up with for Genie project).

One is going to be called SiteBuzz, and the second Focuser.  Pretty cool, I was able to design them (they are small apps) inside a mindmap!     Don’t expect to be able to read them – they are blurred – because I think the ideas are quite quite cool.





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