Marketing plan for pearls

Mar 15, 2011 | Growing Business | 0 comments

Good part of last week and this early week I spent on tying up various loose end.
First, I wanted to establish a strong performance based package for GM – and it had taken me some time to figure it out. I reach out to Pecce for input – and got very useful feedback. One key message was to get the person involved in the discussion of their own compensation. Another words – at this level it’s not the boss that decides the compensation plan but its a joint decision. You can do this with people that are responsible and mature, and recognize reality and opportunity. I’m pleased to say that it worked and a good place will be in place.

Second, I had focused on getting the budgeting finished and solidified – which then allowed me to move into planning marketing for pearls.

The yearly plan we set out by looking the myriad of options and figure out the low risk, high return choices. Not finished yet, but given what we have on the table and if executed – should be able to make 7 figure gains.

Also, finalizing opening of the US entity for Ventures and chinese entity for Ventures. Lots of small decision to make but thankfully my PA is excellent at handling the details.

I run out costs for ventures and it works out to exactly $250k a year – at current staff levels. So, I’m handling that on my own now nut once we get traction, will need that expansion capital.

In ventures, we now defined product segments to go after and the software is getting built at crazy fast pace. The full start to end test will be coming soon – so we will be able to start placing product for sale shortly. Volume will be slow but that will give us time to prime our logistics for larger volume.

And so we move forward.

On personal side I have resigned from EO forum – I have missed two forums this year and was going to miss two more because of the trip to Kucci.The forum was giving me static about missing so many forums – and frankly I was disappointed that despite the group knowing in great detail my trials and tribulations of last years – didn’t approach this with kindness. I guess it continues to remind that you are only as good as you are now, and it’s about “show me now” – versus what you did in the past. Still, I counted on the group on support and compassion – and instead I received something quiet opposite. But it is what it is, and I am happy with my decision.

And so, enough for today – off to create new things.


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