Plan in place–now to follow

Sep 21, 2010 | Growing Business | 0 comments

Fantastic day today – the finance and accounting system is now moving forward – and we have a 4 months plan on how to get from P&L, to budgets.

Lots of upfront work going into this, in terms of reports we need to see, codes, breakdowns, etc.

Great news is that all the work done by Mossy and Carsten, after all, is not going to waste, as we have been able to leverage step by step – and our learning and need analysis has been evolving.  

With out expansion worldwide, reporting via cost centers, by countries is quite critical – as is decision points as at which level to capture the data and to reconcile what to what. 

Basically, we are looking at over 10,000 transactions per month that we will be pumping into the system, each attributed and tagged.    Some automation at this point, but overall, I’m happy to just get data in via manual processing.

Beyond that we did HR meeting today, and looked at salary planning.   Glad to say that I was able to accept nearly all the recommendations – quite interesting in how high performers just rise to the top, and better yet, those are performing don’t need to ask for pay increases – the system in place, step by step picks them up.   And it certain is merit basis, which I quite, quite like. 

On a personal side, decided to hire a cook – to help me take better care of my self.   Been feeling very short of time, and as is my habit (not a good one), been shortchanging myself – on sleep, rest, exercise, eating, etc.   So, one step forward – having a cook prepare meals will make things that much better.

  Getting financial system in order is key.   Or perhaps the reason why I feel the need for a rest, is because I’m spending time in areas which I don’t particular thrive in.  Another words, if I had a choice to play with site marketing, etc.  it would not feel like work.  Or, even, mini-road shows or MA.  But, the financial daily detail grind – one transfer at a time – just saps my energy.

Having said that , its just a bit longer – few more months.   Once the framework is in place, many, many things I had wished for, for a long time fall in place  – things like employee stock options, investment, MA, KPI against budgets and budget performance, etc.  I feel like I will be able to do so many good things I have wanted to do.   Soon.


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