Slow Monday

Sep 14, 2009 | Growing Business | 0 comments

Off to a slow start working out distracting operational details.  With Lise’s exit from the company, the hand over of the financial responsibilities hasn’t been very smooth – and so working out various ways to do banking.  In China CHOP is the way to go, so its not signatures, but chops.    So, from that point of view I spend a bit of a day getting my feet wet in operational issues – not the most exciting but nevertheless educational.


The batter part of the afternoon I has spend looking at the purchasing cycle, the forecasting, PO systems and how they all play in the big circle.    Lots of questions from the pure process point of view ie. whom makes what decsision when, why, based on what info.   I have been just reading a book on Accounting and Financial systems best practices, so will need to revisit the PO cycle.   Lots of paper work going back and forth right now.   Setup a meeting with a MBA that can handle accounting systems – from Ireland -  sounds like the kind of guy I need to get a basic reporting/control system in place.     It would be nice to jump into SAP or something of that caliber but the organization is not ready for that yet.

My thoughts keep going back to the fact that I have been investing $250K a year into R&D -  I would like to see what will happen if I ask the team to deliver 10 new sites by next October.  That is about a site a month.   Possible?   Yes.  Challenging.  For sure.  Fun?  100%


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