Good traction today. New fresh ideas for marketing, working on Silver Devotion turnaround – running the site. G… is bloody brilliant. The thing he came up with today is absolutely fresh.
I worked on putting together a one pager offering summary – pretty good. It’s a good story.
C…. is moving with financial systems – so much work – but we are getting there.
Morning was a bit rough, since I had an evening out at an EO event – and the energy level for me was on the lower side.
Weekend is free – so taking time off to spend it with Alex. Monday is schedule with G… to go over the strategy for next few months.
Genie is still moving, but it will be slow.
Spent a bit of time today to think about writing a book. Seems very accessible actually – thinking of doing another 4 hour Ecommerce presentation – video taping it – and throwing it out to a ghost writer for a first draft – then with that in place running it up.
Few things for next week:
1. More banking infrastructure setup
2. Push on my patent filling
3. Site growth strategy
4. Offering work – 1 pager, pp stack and BP
Hopefully, C… will be finished the P&L for YTD – and that will give us better decision making.
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Jiangtai Rd,Beijing,China