Very busy operational day

Nov 30, 2009 | Growing Business | 0 comments

I’m writing this blog post from my phone. Off for a drink with a friend. Had a busy day, very, very operational. Started with an unexpected need for large amount for RMB to deal the unexpected sales volume. As the team worked exactly how much they needed i worked on how to get into onto Mainland in 24 hours or less. Turns out we ended having a week to get the funds over to china so the financial gymnastics proved to be unnecessary. Nevertheless a lesson of what pain in the ass it is to get cash into China in a hurry…through official channels at least 4 to 5 days. Yes, usually not a big deal, but when xmas is afoot, 4-5 days it 30% of the peak season and there is no time to waste.
2nd, had our monthly senior management meeting. Many projects are on track although we did fail in a couple of areas. Having said that i invested in tech and I’m certain that we will catch up the missed milestones in the first 2 qs of 2010.
Strategically, i schedule the team leader retreat for 1st week of Jan to plan out 2010. Im going to use the Rockefellers habits framework to get the whole team on the same page. Beatuy is that they have the book in Chinese and English, so easy for everyone to easily absorbed the info. Its not so much that I’m such a fast of Rockefeller habits, but for me a consistent approach is just as good as any, so this one is good enough for now…i suppose in time i will formulate the LEPA habits, but one step at a time baby! 🙂
Corp structure still not finished…brain a bit too tired to focus on a complex multivariable problem.


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