Intense week last week. I ended up drowning in a huge number of tasks coming at me. The net effect was that it was difficult to focus on the big things because some many other things where buzzing in my head.
So, by chance, help came from the book Willpower, than I’m reading – where the author talks about GTD (Getting Things Done). And it hit me – I haven’t faithfully used my GTD system for some time. And hence too many things going on at one.
So, quickly re-read a refresher on Best Practices on GTD – and immediately begun to brain dump all the ‘buzzing’ things in my head like review this, do this, etc. into my GTD system (outlook).
Phew – amazing the reduction in mental strain when you are able to do that. And its nothing I don’t know about, but I have somehow over time department from following the system, and it no longer became a ‘trusted system’. By getting all the things in there now, it is one again my trusted system – and my mind has had a nice housecleaning.
So, for those of you feeling like its just to many things to do – the important/urgent – is to take an hour to read GTD. After that you are well on the way ….