12 days of nothing

Jan 9, 2011 | Growing Business | 0 comments

Last 12 days – I spent working hard to do nothing.  When I say ‘hard’ – I mean it.   God – its so, so hard to slow down and actually chill.    This has been my blessing and curse through out my times – difficulty in creating boundaries between…well…anything.

So, I escaped to Samui, to a little secret place I have.   It’s a great little villa – nothing fancy – but has IMG_2835IMG_2844a pool, big thick privacy wall – palm trees – and maybe the most important – NO people. 

Being introverted by nature, I find I need ‘hermit’ time to regenerate.  In an anti-social way, or perhaps of just being plain tired – went out of my way to be not to friendly and ignored any casual chit chat at the local spa where I would go for dinners.

I have to say, it has been good.   I read probably 10 or 12 books – none of them business, relationship, parenting, divorce etc. related – mostly pulp with low degree of need to concentrate.   I blurred my way through countless counterfeit DVD’s – with the only movie that gripped me was “The Road”.   I slept a lot – which felt guiltless and wonderful.   And, hey – managed to beat a few ‘madness’ levels in TowerDefence on iPad!  How is that for accomplishing something! Smile

I rented a scooter – a little thing that can go up to 80KM – and drove around the island enjoying the wind and the scenery (here was the only part that I came to my my sports car from Canada).

I threw in a few Thai herbal saunas and the nice relaxing Thai 2 hour massages.   I have to say the 10 day ‘hermiting’ was great.     I have few more days left and those I will now use to rev myself up again – and go at 2011 with fresh hunger.      But, having a timeout – was marvelous.    Having solitude was also much needed.    Decreased stimulation, 4 walls with only me was and still is great.

So, having said this, my next post will be a bit of a summary of the 2010 – and what I’m hoping to accomplish with 2011.

To all reading this – Very Happy New Year to all you.


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