30,000 ft view

Oct 13, 2010 | Growing Business | 0 comments

We did good. Spent 4 hours today looking at where we where,where we are and where we are going.

Financial systems are almost there. I will be sleeping better at night. Running a multi-million dollar company on cash-flow basis is bloody scary. And it doesn’t scale.

So, almost, almost there.

This will allow us to focus full force on growth – we now hiring site managers – and have some 10 properties to develop and more coming online soon.
So, this also means that I will soon be able to do what I love – and that is convincing people via print (web) to buy.

We have sites that need some tlc – I think this is something that cones quite natural to me but is infact quite difficult.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Jiangtai Rd,Beijing,China


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