A restructuring day

Sep 15, 2009 | Growing Business | 0 comments

The day just flew by today. It was a long 8am to 9pm day. The morning I consumed looking at various house keeping tasks. I had a challenge ahead of me with difficulty of getting at the Chinese bank accounts…but I thought to myself that in a year this will be just a blip…so focused on long term and that helped with mental pick-up.

I kept forcing myself through the day to remember the listen, plan, act. Less action more planning.

I finally managed to squeeze the meeting with it/marketing guys about the future sites. It was great. RedStores design is looking sharp and the whole infrastructure is shaping up.

Afternoon i had a great chat with an Irish chap that can help me organize the operational side of accounting. He has an MBA also has a business of his own. He had some good ideas about corporate structures…going to run those ideas by the guys out of Hong Kong…but I’m thinking I’m zoning in on the root cause of the lack of reporting, and difficulty with financial statements. I think. Anyways, no actions yet, just trying to learn root cause…then plan, fix. I feel like i will have the accounting, finance fully under control by end of November. Hiring for accounting position is moving forward, so mid October i should have full alignment…consulting advice, body to do the work, and strategy.

Dabbled a bit in technical stuff – especially when it came to setting up the payment gateway details.    Will need to figure out how to delegate that out for future projects.


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