All about motivation

Apr 20, 2010 | Growing Business | 0 comments


In office today early, around 9am. Started off with some admin work, mostly money movements and transfers.

imageHad a good meeting with Jimmy and Grace, where we went over Graces first stab at the SOPs for PPC. Grace is one of my new hires that will be focusing on PPC management, and later depending on ability other marketing things. I had Grace focus on starting with SOPs and Policies for PPC, vs.. jumping in and just doing the work. The key for me her is scalability so although I know that if Grace was to jump in first into optimizing we could be kicking up Sales a notch, nevertheless, long term strategy much more important than short term gains.

Over lunch had personal training with Sunny. I didn’t realize that it has been nearly 3 months since i have last worked out with him. It was great to get back into it. While training I discussed Sunny a training plan to get me ready for Everest Base Camp hike. We will be meeting on Friday to setup a solid training plan.

While talking with him I had an interesting insight into motivation. One of the things I have been fighting on this exercise game has been motivation. Since I have decided to change my motivational strategy for fitness, it had occurred to me that one of the reasons that I have not been successfully in the fitness area has been a lack of goals.

Basically, discussing the Everest Base hike, I realized that all of a sudden I was starting to get excited about getting in shape. That further made me think that many of the EO crew do that – they do marathons, big hikes, etc. Another words, what seems to be the trick for the entrepreneurs types is setting of goals (like a marathon) and then working towards that. I had been struggling for some time why it is that I can be so successful in motivating myself in the business world, but so absolutely lousy in the fitness world. It hit me that it has been a lack of goals.

So, to this end, I will be booking flights, trek for Everest Base Camp trek for September. My goal will be to get in shape to be able to do it. So, just like the  EO crew, I will have a very strong, non-movable goal that I will use as my self motivation tool to get my fitness level up. Never have done that before – which is great, because whatever I have done in the past didn’t work – so maybe I’m finally onto something. I had wonders why so many of the EO guys did all this marathon

I setup up a little section on the site now, where I will begin to document my work towards EBC goal – it will be interesting to see a correlation between that and work effort.  If one will improve the other, or vs. versa – and also to see how well this new motivation strategy works.

I review the resumes of candidates for CFO – have a good short list – quite different individuals – so much of it will depend on how big of problem solvers they will be.

So,  taking the few hours in the evening off – chilled out to bit of Brad and Regina – planning to do an early morning.

BTW: the graphic above is my draft of the ‘goal’ setting measure for our team – as we reach goals – we will celebrate our goals through various things – I will have the whole company give me ideas as to what they would like to see as a celebration for reaching each goal – it will be interesting to see what happens.

So, catching an episode of Lost – and then read a bit and off to dreamland.


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