Eating for high performance

Jul 2, 2011 | Growing Business | 0 comments

Its been some time since my last post.  Lots of things have happened.

First, my time at Kushi Institute was excellent.    I learned how to cook in a whole new way, and although I was a bad student and attended few classes, somehow, I managed to pick up a bit about cooking and eating healthy.    I initially choose to extend my time at Kushi until July 3, but as luck would have it, divorce related things called me back to Beijing again and I ended up coming back to Beijing early (it was worth it – finally managed to get officially divorced).     Nonetheless, I came in full ‘cooking’ force – and right off the plane started to eat in a Kushi way.

So, what did Kushi Institute do for me?    A lot.   From the time I left till now, I dropped 26lbs –


and every day imageI’m loosing more and more weight.    Although I didn’t go to loose weight, loosing weight has been a great side effect.  


I’m finding now that my mind is sharper, my energy levels are significantly higher than before and just overall WAY higher performance.     Bottom line is that in the course of last 6 years, I basically worn down my body to pretty much nothing.   I guess 100 weeks, for a few years will do that.  Throw in a high conflict divorce and it wears you out.

But,  incredibly in just 6 weeks, I have had a chance to get some of my ‘juice’ back – and I love it.

The pictures above I (yep, self made) cooked.  

So, Kushi way of eating and health is truly fantastic.  Pictures below are that of Kushi Institute.   They are  Non-for profit, their courses are very, very reasonably priced and it’s a great place.    Highly recommended it for anyone wanting to or needing to improve their overall well being.




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