Housekeeping Day

Oct 14, 2009 | Growing Business | 0 comments

Lots and lots of little tasks today.   Handled lot of small housekeeping things, PO approvals, payments, etc.    Will definitely need to hire a CFO or a very senior accountant – its not a great use of my time to look over invoices and do cash flows.  And as the new structures comes in it will be even more time consuming.    BUT, I do need to put a lot of time into structures – those are going to be the key.


So, my first project after the structure will be to get accounting setup for all the 5 or 6 entities – and get all that procedures and done.   Will need to get the right person on board for this.   Don’t need a level 1 CFO (ie. don’t need fundraising abilities) – but a solid level 2 – operationally focused.


I set aside Friday for more housekeeping stuff, so basically, this week will be deems successful for me if I get all the housekeeping stuff out of the way – and then plan the next week to work strategy, structure, 2010 plan.


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