HR Focused

Sep 23, 2009 | Growing Business | 0 comments

I skipped a day yesterday – and mostly due to reading and learning – basically took a day off to learn and ready.   It was good.

Today I prepared for the for the Quarterly KPA reviews and wrote up bi-annual raise letters for those few that where getting raises.   Some people had really stood out and made leaps and bounds – truly amazing to see such great growth – and how much self drive and motivation can achieve.

I will be doing my KPA’s tomorrow, and so now I’m more free to focus on Corporate structure once again.    Again, starting to get clearer and clear picture of what is needed and how it needs to be structured.   Unfortunately its not easy stuff – but I really begun by thinking about the function each company needs to perform, how it would play into an exit strategy, etc.      I didn’t focused on tax optimization, but functionality at this point.    Tax opt.  will be left to the buys and girls from HK since they are experts on that.   I need to tell them my needs, they can figure out the best way to meet my needs.

I’m handling finance and HR just fine – payroll went out today – as did a whole bunch of PO’s.    After the corp.. structure is completed – I will need to look at the control mechanisms in finance i.e.. PO, approval, etc.  – and see if all that makes sense for us – and at which point control should be applied and WHAT kind of control.   

So, basically my head is focused on corp.. structure. is nearly out – looks good – expect it will take us 6+ months to tune – but I think it will work – but my prediction is that we will not hit $1MM in sales for at least 6 months – the site is just not THAT tight yet.


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