Monday – working today

Dec 6, 2009 | Growing Business | 0 comments

Christmas is busy and our VOLUME of orders has increased significantly compared to last year.     We are running two shifts and all the product staff, customer care is very busy.   The Operations and IT teams are co-operating very nicely on solving issues – especially last minute bulk-reshipment strategy in the UK,  potential UK strike, Amazon fulfillment, etc, etc.

As I have said before, it really is a pleasure for everyone to work together so well.

Our R&D  keeps moving forward – and our new ecommerce platform has been developed.    Had a meeting with the Dev team to figure out which features to move forward from old system to the new system.    Then, which to do in-house and which to outsource.   All in all, in about 3 months, our capability to launch new sites will SIGNIFICATNLY improve.

Some of our pilots, SilverDevotion,   and some of the other products we are testing are doing so so.   Two factors – marketing and products.  So, Bryan is now working on pushing the marketing site, and I have a job req. for a merchandiser/buyer.       So, we are in a bit of a learning mode here – how to merchandise and market a new site for success.   (ie. this is Sales, hence its what is most important). 

But, already I can see learning taking place – people saying, how about this, how about that.      We are starting on the path of discovery.  I’m watching the process because that is one thing we haven’t really SOPed yet.

Personally, felt a bit ‘stressed’ – not in a bad way – but just a whole bunch of ‘small’ things – and a lot of them – almost like little mosquitoes – with micro issues.     But I handled it differently than before – went out with friends and letting the small stuff slide.   Amazingly, the world didn’t end! 🙂


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