EO Forum Day

Dec 7, 2009 | Growing Business | 0 comments

I’m writing about my Tuesday on Thursday.    Basically Tuesday went so well, that it took me most of Wed to recover! πŸ™‚

So, onto Tuesday.

EO Forums, as always very powerful.  Our group has really jelled, and it feels like all of us are in the same space.   Our ages are in the 40, and we all face same life issues – in one way or another.    Basically,  on the outside, the CEO face is strong, tough, and confident – BUT – on the inside we are just as vulnerable  and human as the person next to us.   BUT in our jobs, its our jobs to give others confidence, so it is our work (duty) – to be strong, tough, confident. 

Having said that there is a great of comfort in seeing your peers, people you respect and admire, share the same feelings and emotions.  You realize that the people that build multi-million dollar empires are not different that YOU! – so that we are all capable – and really there is no limits – no matter how β€˜flawed’ we may look at our selves.

Since Forum rules apply, I cannot discuss much of what goes on, but some things I can.

Had a great chat with Fred Lin, owner of Bellagio’s (huge business – multi-muliti million dollar) – he had a few gems to share, and especially about the concept of taking care of staff, making his place the best alternative, giving people a life not a job.   He mirrored how I feel but in some ways he had taken it the next level, so that was definitely inspiration for me.  His goal for some of his people was that if you work for him, in 6 years you own a car and apartment.    How is that for a vision for your staff!    I had wanted to promise the same kind of success to my staff as well at points BUT had no vehicles to deliver on that before.    Further,   I remember Fred (this is after a few glasses of red) talking about how growth is necessary as it gives your employees hope.  If you don’t grow, there is no future – and people will leave.   Again, he mirrors my vision as well.    If I cannot offer growth in the company – the people that are with the company will have no future – hence no chance for better life.  So, my job is to FORCE at whatever cost GROWTH – so that the people that are with me, have been with me and want to be with me, can have a chance at a much better life.  So, RedStores continues and will be the vehicle for this.    BUT, the beauty behind this, is it made me realize, that I’m not just challenging myself for this growth for Paul’s sake, BUT actually, I want the people that have helped the company to be where it is now, to get a benefit from that. 

Fred has 4 top dogs that Run is &100MM+ empire – beautiful to see – it really means that just like in my plan, you only need 5-6 key high level players to do $100MM.   

Anyways – was great night, great sharing and much to much vine – BUT nevertheless worth every single painful moment in the morning.   Inspirational to the end.


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