Moving on two fronts

May 29, 2011 | Growing Business | 0 comments

Its been a while since I have had a chance to update the blog.   Its been a busy last few weeks.  I have traveled to Singapore with Alex for health checks, a few days in Chiang Mai in Thailand, then back to Beijing for 2 days, and then off to US to Kushi Institute for wellness training.

So, most of my time last few weeks has been on the road, non-the-less we have manage to achieve quite a few things in this time.

In Pearls – while passing through Bangkok, I connect back with Chris, who will do our affiliate program.   I was going to pull the trigger on this several months ago, but due to mostly personal circumstance, that got off the schedule.   But now, with Jessica heading up Pearls – it was easy to settle on the terms – and then hand over the execution.  So, having said this, we kicked this off 1 day ago – with the contract being executed and integration effort starting over next weeks.    I had affiliate program for Pearls years ago, but found it was just too much time to manage and caretaker – but now this is a neglected channel that is good to bring up again to get the Pearls numbers up.

Further, I connect back with Sean, who was THE man that got keyword “pearls’”  as #2 or #1 in Google – we haven’t connected for some time (2 years or so) – and he has now moved into a marketing space.  So, having two properties, and that are great properties – but are lacking in TLC – Sean is now going to come on board to do some cool things with these sites.    We setup a contract that I favor – $ for upfront work – then converting into a rev share to provide long term incentive and alignment of goals.   We kicked this off now also, via Jessica.   So it will be quite interesting to see how things go with these two sites.

If you notice, there is one theme that I repeat, is that I’m not giving up on these sites – I know the value is there – and I now that the reason why we haven’t had killer success with those sites is because we haven’t applied energy to them.   And so, with my new structure, and new management in place, getting these things moving again is becoming an opportunity.

RedStores update I will write under separate post.


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