Prep Day

Mar 25, 2010 | Growing Business | 0 comments

The day started at 7AM.  I took care of a few admin tasks, took in some cool jazz from Brad Mehldau (I’m a fan now).    Katrina had sent back to me my Ecommerce presentation, with all the nice touch ups.   But, I had to go through it and re-organize it since she didn’t now how I wanted to use some of the slides – at the end – I spent about 8 hours polishing up and re-organizing the slide ware.

It was actually quite relaxing, and having delivered this presentation in Germany I was able to tune it up for better flow and more clarity.

The event this evening was at 7PM, and it we had a great turn out – about 50 people came out – good indication of interest in ecommerce.  The boys (Mirko, Dom) where worried that the timing of the presentation would be too long (I needed about 2.5 hours) – but I had promised not put anyone to sleep.  The crow was great – engaged, interested with a lot of good questions.

It was great fun giving the presentation, but like always, I didn’t like doing the self intro – I keep fighting that part – and never feel comfortable talking about myself – but I keep trying.  I think for next time, I will change the strategy and get rid of that part – or modify it.  I have never liked doing the intro of myself – and I think I never will – so time for plan B, whatever that may be.

Had an email from Klaus, and I think we are on a good track – we had talked about a lot of things in the past, and I think our understanding of our expectations wasn’t aligned – or perhaps we had both assumed different things.  So, it was good to get things in the open, get things on the table – and work get the process of working things out on paper.   I’m really hoping that Klaus comes on board – and I would love to have him as a partner.   Mina feels the same way – so, I’m hopeful that we can figure out the business terms between us and then move into focusing our energies on kicking butt in the market place.   My gut feeling now is that Klaus and I will make this happen – its one of these once-in-a-lifetime synergies I think – and I think if Klaus joins – the $125MM will seem like a small target and we are going to look back and laugh at how ‘small’ we where thinking.

After the presentation today, went out for drinks with Pete and his friends – great crew – had a great dinner and drinks at a very cool bar – home at 2AM – late, a bit tired but energized.

Its been a while since I did presentations, I think 6 years more or less, and I forgot how much fun they can be – very rewarding actually – especially when you are not trying to sell anything but share with others.  Perfectly inline with my self-fulfillment goals.


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