Project Genie

Apr 22, 2010 | Growing Business | 0 comments

Had an early start at 6am. Did 1h hour exercise! And then took an hour to integrate some more technology into this blog. Still an engineer at heart!

The rest of the day I decided to finish the project Genie and get the process moving. There is still many details that are left, but decided to leave out some non-critical details and just focus on the bi picture stuff.

My concern is that in the event that Genie doesn’t for some reason go (which i really doubt) that I’m passing up on too many opportunities that I could be easily capturing right now.
That is risk with late projects – they can absorbed a huge amount of time and dollars to develop – and at this point I need to mitigate that risk via commitment from Germany that we are 100% moving forward together.

In a way this came out of the luxury of having a lot of opportunities. Some I have 100% neglected in the interest of Genie – but now as more time is passing – and some of the opportunities in front me are looking REALLY good – I need to make sure that I’m using the company resources in the right direction.

Beyond that, from the big picture, I have increase the risk profile of the business by on boarding more staff. As they are coming on board I have a window in which I need to ensure that I’m getting ROI from each and every hire. So, my focus now is on results – and ROI.

The key issue is where to spend the executive hours – and where to drive the company. So for this reason finalizing Genie shortly is a must.

Because of Genie I neglected my team again and moved their KPA to yet another day! I think I must have moved their quarterly reviews 7 times now. Bad boss! 😉

Personally have some cool plans for this evening so should be a lot of fun!

Evening update: talked with M…. Scheduled meeting for May 5 to 9th. Or rather I will be in Germany for that time period and we can work our meetings accordingly. Stopping in LA on the way to meet with Jeremy. Overall, very long trip with 3 stay overnights at airport hotels – what a pain – seems most of flights are quite full as an aftershock of the European air space disruption.

It’s nice to have he schedule set, now I’m able to plan out next week. Already scheduled meeting with C… To work on shareholder agreement and valuation.

Looking forward to meeting everyone but dreading all the air time.


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