Silver Devotion Launched and More Corp. Structure

Sep 29, 2009 | Growing Business | 0 comments

Our new site, was launched today.    It was a great day – and I need to put remember to organize a launch party when the October festival is  done.      The site is looking great and can be seen here    

PPC/SEO and other marketing needs to be turned on – but the majority of the work is now done.  Beauty behind this is that the process of launching this is 80% documented – the project schedule is solid, and that this site was done with only 5% input from me – the rest of the work was done by the team!   Uber Cool.


My days continued to be spent in learning and looking at the corporate structures – amazingly complicated stuff – I keep hearing that I have the structure of $100MM USD companies – but yet right now I’m a fraction of that.   So, the bad is that the effort to pull this off is great – the good is that it will position me for the $125MM US goal.  So, I think this is weeks well spent.


Every person, consultant I talk to brings new info the the table and the plan keeps on improving and improving.   I think it will be another two weeks before things are solid.  When they are – it will then be execution of the plan.


Here is the email I sent out to the team today with regards to the Silver Devotion:

Dear All:

It’s with great pleasure that I’m able to report to you that our new store, is now live.

You can visit the site at  to see it.   Advertising for the site will be launched shortly as will full blown Search Engine Optimization Campaigns.

As exciting as it is to launch a new site, I do want to caution everyone against being overly optimistic with the sales that this site will generate in the initial few months.

It took about 1.5 years for PearlsOnly to generate significant sales – and although we do hope that we can shorten this time with Silver Devotion, I do not expect the sales to be huge for the first 6 months.   However, I do expect that step by step, as we optimize the site we will begin to gain more and more sales.

So, Happy Birthday Silver Devotion may you grow up to be big and strong!


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