Week of Money

Sep 7, 2009 | Growing Business | 0 comments

The plan for this week is to focus on all things money.     So, this means – Financial Statements, Balance Sheets, cash flows, forecasts, personal cash flows, etc.

I have abstracted CFO function (which I will be taking over to 3 major tasks: reporting, bookkeeping, forecasting.    I have been very pleasantly surprised how well the Chinese entity is functioning and how much it is on auto-pilot.    I figure at this point, I can get 95% of the reporting I need without any heavy duty accounting -  it will not ‘balance’ etc.  but the reporting I can put together will provide me with operational  insight to allow for cash flow, hiring decisions, investment decisions, etc.     I will need a system shortly that will allow me to get my quick-and-dirty estimates into 100% accurate numbers so that my gov. reporting for next year is automatic – but for that there is no rush – so I have time put together that system/process/people.  

So, my outlook for this week is fairly tactical/admin focused – without a huge amount of strategy.   Which in a way makes since – for strategic stuff to come in play – I need to get a picture of the current ‘tactical’ issues.

Sales wise, things are going quite well – the guys are on track to get silver devotion up and running for Sep 15th.    Inventory system automation is on track – and great progress.

If I wasn’t growing this business, I could literally work 4 hours a week.   


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