Senior Mgmt Meetings

Mar 29, 2010 | Growing Business | 0 comments

Had the weekly team leader meeting – everyone is doing good – good spirits.   New sites in the works – and merchandising is beginning.   

Senior Mgmt meeting we looked at salary increases, hiring plan, hire/fire, probation, etc.   This round there is a very limited number of increases going out as we the budget for increases is small – but we had a good process through which we went in looking at increases and tried to be as fair as possible.  Increases are based on merit, hard work, contribution, time of last increase, etc.  so it was good discussion.

Beyond that we pegged where the new hires will report, and discussed the fact that I will be out of office working on BD, raising, banking relationships, etc.  so that Mina will need to be the constant in the office.   Everyone is good with that.

Afternoon, Mossy brought me good news on accounting – we are almost there – getting data into the system is nearly there and we are just SOPing the process.  So, soon I will have fully integrated accounting system, with consolidated reporting.    About time!

We are also going full speed on real-time inventory control system, and will be putting that in place this Thursday.  This has been a 3 year project where we have struggled to bring it online – but finally got so close – that it just took last push to get it going.

So, in the end I will financial fully visibility (financial) into the business – which is going to be great.  From here, this will empower me to onboard investment, go full forward with Vested Contributors Plan based on consolidated profit, make better strategic decisions, etc.     This is the last step we needed to truly ‘grow up’ in terms of infrastructure.


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