40 million

There is little on this earth that 40 million dollars cannot solve. Limitless 39.974137116.490502

Pleasure and Pain

In life we are driven to seeking pleasure.    We therefore seek to avoid pain.   Pain is not always bad, as is pleasure not always good. Paul Lepa   Interpretation:  For example, we may perceive as work being painful, and vacations...

Two fronts

Last few days have been working with operations on giving pearls more traction.   We are in the process of finalizing the details of the plan and firming out the smaller of details. Our mind map of the activities is here. Lots of good things on the way – and...

Larry Page and getting back to the roots.

Very interesting article about the struggles of growing a business, management challenges, flexability of speed and getting too corporate. http://www.wired.com/magazine/2011/03/mf_larrypage/   Larry Page Wants to Return Google to Its Startup Roots By Steven Levy...

Don’t listen to other people

Persistence, don’t give up, and don’t listen to the majority of people out there”. Amanda Frazier is a young visionary and Entrepreneur. She’s the Founder of SynergyHub (a tech startup launching soon), & the CEO of Plan to Start. She...