Dunning–Kruger Effect

Dunning–Kruger Effect

Great article, that basically explains a question I had for a long time. If you are incompetent, are you aware of it? OR more crudely put, do stupid people know they are stupid. The Dunning-Kurger Effect, also gives us insight into the other spectrum, do smart people...


You’ve just climbed a mountain and the clouds are all around you. It is unclear if you are standing at the top or there is more that you can ascend. While the uncertainty can be unsettling, appreciate how far you’ve come. And hold steady, these clouds...
Ecommerce Growth Stages

Ecommerce Growth Stages

My presentation to the ECommerce Fuel group about three stages of e-commerce growth, along with various tips and tricks on what to watch for in each stage. And here is the presentation itself, with several slides that didn’t make it into the official...
Growing your business

Growing your business

Absolutely love this amazing quote from a fellow entrepreneur, Josh Lipton of BikeShopHub.com .  A common struggle entrepreneur have.  Just how big can you grow… You’ve just climbed a mountain and the clouds are all around you. It is...