Running the empire in my robe
My nasty cold came back today, so I ended up staying home. Amazingly (or maybe no so amazingly) we had a record day,...
Very busy operational day
I’m writing this blog post from my phone. Off for a drink with a friend. Had a busy day, very, very operational. Started with an...
Keys to success
I saw a car waiving through the Beijing traffic today. It reminded me the of the days when I would take my little crazy toy back in...
Fast track
We are fast tracking ‘’ marketing for Xmas. My style of communication (in Nov 2009) is here. ...
Corporate Structures
Spend a big part of the day looking at corporate structure. I go the ownership done and have in essence created an investor friendly...
Late Finish
Had a slow start this morning but pickup up steam as the day went on. Setup the presentation at tsinghua university – couldn’t rally...