
If you are too scared to share with the world what your dreams are, dreams will only remain dreams.   Sharing dreams makes them real – and makes them achievable – and enables us to convert those dreams into reality. However, sharing dreams carries a sick of...


It takes a lot of energy to put on a show.  Imagine how much more energy you would have if you where ‘real’ and did not have to put a show but where just yourself all the time. Imagine how that energy could be used.   Wow!

Taking Chances

I heard this one today.  Must say its quite deep. “The hurt now is worth the happiness then.” I won’t elaborate on this and let the reader draw their own meaning.   Only caveat is that this for me personally, this is a future oriented statement that...

Decision Making

When making a decision that you want to be level headed about ask your self: “What would Humphrey Bogart do?”

What is a multi-millionaire?

Heard a keynote speaker at the EO event today say that he was multi-millionaire when he was 28.     So,   this actually pops a question – how do you define multi-millionaire.  For example,  if you start valuating your business...