Back to public blogging

Thank you to all that have called, emailed and talked to me in person about my blog.  I didn’t realize how many people where actually reading my musings.   Your comments and feedback has made me rethinking about the delayed blogging.   And so,...


I’m looking for away to make my blog more direct and genuine. I have found that since many off the issues That i deal with in the day to day, have affect on the people that read it – I need to by very nature hold back on some of the issues of importance....

Strategy Shift and Pearls Only Germany Site

Germany launched yesterday – extreme effort to localize a site but we managed it via outsourcing, and in-house skills. Very proud of everyone and how well they did. Last week was also quite significant as after months of exploring I have decided to...

Over the weekend

Few cool things over the weekend. 1st – finally (and I mean finally) after months of work, a US account via HSBC is now close to being opened.  Only took 4 months! 2nd – connected with some smart people about currency movements into China – the way we are doing...