
As they say in the startup circles at some point every company makes a pivot – a change in direction. not a change of everything but a change. Today was that day for me. I started to put together a pitch for Redstores and realized that I had two visions –...

Big Picture Thinking

Inspirational day today.   Was actually quite exhausted today – and running on low energy.  But, despite that has a very inspirational conversation with Gerry.  One of the things that I have been doing poorly on is that I have stopped thinking...

Now on Ipad

Cool new plugin added in so that if you read my blog on your ipad you will enjoy a ‘flipbook’ like experience.  Big fan of wordpress.

A weeks worth of catch-up

Back to my regular blogging without time delay. Productive week last week.   Finance focused.   Run out the projections on consolidated basis for many years out.   With had, had to do some deep diving into the Chinese tax laws. ...