Holidays and 1000 snowflakes

Quick updated – Holidays in Beijing – National Day and Mooncake festival – which basically means 20% productivity for last week and next week. Getting now deeper and deeper into the bowels of the financial systems – and architecting (via collaboration and discussion)...

Plan in place–now to follow

Fantastic day today – the finance and accounting system is now moving forward – and we have a 4 months plan on how to get from P&L, to budgets. Lots of upfront work going into this, in terms of reports we need to see, codes, breakdowns, etc. Great news is that all...


Like a flea that is trained to jump no higher, so do we train ourselves to forget about options outside our boundaries. We have infinite options, but fear keeps us under a lid.

Driving forward

Very nice, high energy day today.  Dimity, our new finance person, on boarded today.   Planning to spend the day with him tomorrow to lay out the foundation for the work he will have. HSBCnet working now and setup, with setup of other staff now to help...

Finance and Accounting

Today was spent on mostly figuring out how to setup the accounting structure for the various companies under umbrella.  In particular, the key aspect driving daily bookkeeping function is to know to which company certain transactions should be...