Free day!

Since I wasn’t able to go to Europe, I ended up having a whole week clear of anything scheduled.  I took advantage! Spend a couple hours in the office to take of the details of the travel changes, etc. – then 3 or 4 hours on Project Genie – and...

You get paid to pick yourself up

When I was in sales, we all used to get paid commissions on the sales.  My saying was different, “You don’t get paid for winning, you get paid to pick yourself up after loosing!” 🙂

All is well that ends well

I didn’t spent as much as I wanted to work on Project Genie documents – but nevertheless had made a good dent it.   When working on this – I have realized that there is a very large ‘marketing plan’ component that will be...

Immersion day

Today was my prep day for Germany. Although the original idea was to try to finish all the work, it became pretty evident that I had to contextually switch into the Genie project. Basically, the way I work is to 100% absorbed myself in material, data, etc. It’s...

A little bit exhausted

Weird day today.  Was up at 6AM – but got up a bit restless.   My to-do list is about 60 items – and 40 of those I can’t delegate out.   So, as before, these little things just gnawed at me.   I feel my team needs some strong...