Ecommerce 101 Event Photos

Here is the photos from the eCommerce 101 Presentation. Event presentation is here: eCommerce 101 Presentation Page  Event Photos Ecommerce 101 Event PhotosHere is the photos from the eCommerce 101 Presentation Event...

Harvard presentation

Was invited by YPO chapter to join in on their learning event. The event was focused on venture funds and how they apply to entrepreneurs. The lecture was a full d ay by a Harvard Professor, Josh Learner. The presentation was brilliant and I love it. I wasn’t...

Prep Day

The day started at 7AM.  I took care of a few admin tasks, took in some cool jazz from Brad Mehldau (I’m a fan now).    Katrina had sent back to me my Ecommerce presentation, with all the nice touch ups.   But, I had to go through it and re-organize it since she...

Little Edgy

Had a bit of an edgy day today – very overloaded in terms of scheduler – so no satisfaction from any accomplishments. Started the day at 7AM and worked on the ecommerce presentation, and 3 hours on administrative tasks.   I passed on interviewing the junior developer...

Internal Self Debate

The goal for my day was to focus on Germany, and also on the e-commerce presentation for Thursday, however I needed to go in to the office because Mossy was ready to go on with the accounting system, and I did not want him to be delayed because of me. So once I got...