My Book Library now online

As I am working on my Ecommerce Presentation, I had wanted to do a visual reference guide for those attending the presentation – a reference table of sorts to allow people to learn more about any particular subject if they so desire.  This started a mini-project...

Blog Readership

It looks like my blog has audiences around the world.    398 over last 30 days took the time to look at the journey to $125MM.    Given how we busy we are all, I appreciate others looking at this journey with me.

Early stages of IPO planning

Had a very nice day today – Alex was over today until 6PM – and her friend Caroline came over.   The girls played well together and then they proceeded to gang up on me in a game of Pictureurka.   I lost. But, not all was lost, since afterwards, Mr. K and I met at...

Cool Day

Whew!  After a crazy week I finally managed to get on top of things.   Up at 5:45AM today, the day opened with a email conversation from one of my competitors in the pearl space about possible synergies between us.    Interesting stuff and huge amount of...

Magic Eyes

Some people are lucky, they are born with magic eyes – they see the invisible.   They can SEE opportunities in places where others see absolutely nothing.