Out of Chaos comes a rocket

Last week has been chaotic, with a lot and lot of changes coming.   As we are transforming to become a ‘web site’ factory from an operational company – we are now pushing our limits – and discovering breaking points. It feels chaotic, and stressful, and a...

Making structural changes

Started the day off with Senior Management meeting, with discussion centered around the org chart. I shared it with the Senior Management, and got interesting feedback. Overall I think the overall change will be good – created two new positions – Site...

Cerebral Day

Today was a big thinking day.   My mind has been singly tasked occupied on the org structure – execution – team setup. As a segway, I looked up today the ‘functions’ of a CEO. Here is a quote What is the CEO’s main duty? Setting strategy and vision. The...

Organizing for speed

Most of the day today was spent mulling over on how to organization should look, reporting structure, accountability structure that will allow us to go for ultra growth. In the months before I had Mina pegged to manage this, but with Minas departure I have more...