by Paul Lepa | Sep 11, 2009 | Growing Business
I spend a very big part of the day looking and forecasting out cash flow for next 2 years. I had some of it done already, but it was nothing like building your own tool to get to really know the nitty gritty. End result was that as I started rolling...
by Paul Lepa | Sep 10, 2009 | Growing Business
I had somehow instinctively re-org the company along the line of ‘site rollout’ teams. I changed the reporting structure to move my most valuable asset, Mina, into executive driver from operations. About 1 year too late – but better late than...
by Paul Lepa | Sep 8, 2009 | Growing Business
Today was an EO meeting and was my turn to present my RedStores. com business plan. Confidentially rules apply so I cannot share any specific feedback, expect for my own insights. Basically, Branding/non-Branding is something I have...
by Paul Lepa | Sep 7, 2009 | Growing Business
The plan for this week is to focus on all things money. So, this means – Financial Statements, Balance Sheets, cash flows, forecasts, personal cash flows, etc. I have abstracted CFO function (which I will be taking over to 3 major tasks:...
by Paul Lepa | Sep 4, 2009 | Growing Business
With a great team, good systems its amazing hot little time you actually need. I was always envious of the CEOs that I would read about that had time to go home for dinners with their families, didn’t work on weekends. Wow! I though. Now I can see...
by Paul Lepa | Sep 3, 2009 | Growing Business
Great morning start with a 6AM wake up. Spent an hour in the morning at home setting up the supplier message. is coming along quite well. Good part of the day was spent on organizing the process to document and...