Like Freekonomics, will love this

I’m a big fan of Freekonomics, and love the book and how its laid out – with Theory interwove with real examples.   And so, when I saw that Freekonomics blog recommended this book, I downloaded it.   So, let me say, two chapters into it, and it’s a...

Kushi testimonial

  I was asked by Kushi to provide them with a testimonial for my experience at the institute.   Here is my story: The KUSHI story – learning to eat before you can run. The Kushi story for my starts not with my health but about growing my business. I own...


Rather strange day yesterday.  I have been completely focused (and I really mean focused) on all of the accounting procedures.   Went to bed at midnight and right before I went to sleep, I have been racking my brain on how to put all these system...

VC Funding

Last week I made a pitch to a VC about funding for Ventures.    It was quite interesting, in so far, as the VC didn’t really care about what we have done so far (infrastructure, etc.) but about getting traction (sales, market segment, etc.). From what I...