by Paul Lepa | Sep 28, 2009 | Growing Business
Here is an email that went out to let everyone know about the upcoming changes. I wanted to share with you, officially, some of the changes that will take effect on October 1. On October 1 (besides celebrating China’s 60th anniversary) we will also celebrate...
by Paul Lepa | Sep 27, 2009 | Growing Business
Most of today was dedicated to doing KPA’s – which is my quarterly reviews with all my direct reports. I have kept rescheduling them and rescheduling them but nevertheless, did manage to get them all done before the end of the Q. ...
by Paul Lepa | Sep 26, 2009 | Growing Business
Today was a working day in China, so I had setup a meeting with a corporate restructuring lawyer to look at my corporate structures. Each person I talk to, the more I learn. I can see now how opening up various entities makes sense...
by Paul Lepa | Sep 23, 2009 | Growing Business
I run out of steam last night to blog, so this is a morning blog. Yesterday was a busy, busy day, full of meetings. Ended up rescheduling bunch of my KPAs with my staff – I really hate when I’m doing that – as it is an indication of reactive...
by Paul Lepa | Sep 23, 2009 | Growing Business
I skipped a day yesterday – and mostly due to reading and learning – basically took a day off to learn and ready. It was good. Today I prepared for the for the Quarterly KPA reviews and wrote up bi-annual raise letters for those few that where getting...
by Paul Lepa | Sep 21, 2009 | Growing Business
Had a brilliant presentation today from the CEO of BabyCare, Maththew Estes. The presentation was done under EO Forum rules so I can’t discuss any details, however I can share my own insights. First, its amazing to see a true marketer at...